Mechanical force-induced morphology changes in a human fungal pathogen
Charles Puerner, Nino Kukhaleishvili, Darren Thomson, Sebastien Schaub, Xavier Noblin, Agnese Seminara, Martine Bassilana, Robert A Arkowitz
Cell intercalation in a simple epithelium
Matteo Rauzi
A Natural Mutational Event Uncovers a Life History Trade-Off via Hormonal Pleiotropy
Bénédicte Billard, Paul Vigne, Christian Braendle
Breast cancer mammospheres secrete Adrenomedullin to induce lipolysis and browning of adjacent adipocytes
Martin Paré, Cédric Y Darini, Xi Yao, Bérengère Chignon-Sicard, Samah Rekima, Simon Lachambre, Virginie Virolle, Adriana Aguilar-Mahecha, Mark Basik, Christian Dani, Annie Ladoux
The Emerging Role of PPAR Beta/Delta in Tumor Angiogenesis
Siyue Du, Nicole Wagner, Kay-Dietrich Wagner
PPARs and Angiogenesis-Implications in Pathology
Nicole Wagner, Kay-Dietrich Wagner
MCD diet-induced steatohepatitis generates a diurnal rhythm of associated biomarkers and worsens liver injury in Klf10 deficient mice
Pierre S Leclère, Déborah Rousseau, Stéphanie Patouraux, Sophie Guérin, Stéphanie Bonnafous, Aline Gréchez-Cassiau, Anthony A Ruberto, Carmelo Luci, Malayannan Subramaniam, Albert Tran, Franck Delaunay, Philippe Gual, Michèle Teboul
Tenascin-C orchestrates an immune suppressive tumor microenvironment in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Caroline Spenlé, Thomas Loustau, Devadarssen Murdamoothoo, William Erne, Stéphanie Beghelli-de la Forest Divonne, Romain Veber, Luciana Petti, Pierre Bourdely, Matthias Mörgelin, Eva Maria Brauchle, Gérard Crémel, Vony Randrianarisoa, Abdouramane Camara, Samah Rekima, Sebastian Schaub, Kelly Nouhen, Thomas Imhof, Uwe Hansen, Nicodème Paul, Raphael Carapito, Nicolas Pythoud, Aurelie Hirschler, Christine Carapito, Hélène Dumortier, Christopher G Mueller, Manuel Koch, Katja Schenke-Layland, Shigeyuki Kon, Anne Sudaka, Fabienne Anjuere, Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling, Gertraud Orend
High prevalence for obesity in severe COVID-19: Possible links and perspectives towards patient stratification
Isabelle Dugail, Ez-Zoubir Amri, Nicolas Vitale
Defined p16 High Senescent Cell Types Are Indispensable for Mouse Healthspan
Laurent Grosse, Nicole Wagner, Alexander Emelyanov, Clement Molina, Sandra Lacas-Gervais, Kay-Dietrich Wagner, Dmitry V Bulavin
COUP-TFI/Nr2f1 Orchestrates Intrinsic Neuronal Activity during Development of the Somatosensory Cortex
Isabel Del Pino, Chiara Tocco, Elia Magrinelli, Andrea Marcantoni, Celeste Ferraguto, Giulia Tomagra, Michele Bertacchi, Christian Alfano, Xavier Leinekugel, Andreas Frick, Michèle Studer
NR2F1 Regulates Regional Progenitor Dynamics in the Mouse Neocortex and Cortical Gyrification in BBSOAS Patients
Michele Bertacchi, Anna Lisa Romano, Agnès Loubat, Frederic Tran Mau-Them, Marjolaine Willems, Laurence Faivre, Philippe Khau van Kien, Laurence Perrin, Françoise Devillard, Arthur Sorlin, Paul Kuentz, Christophe Philippe, Aurore Garde, Francesco Neri, Rossella Di Giaimo, Salvatore Oliviero, Silvia Cappello, Ludovico D'Incerti, Carolina Frassoni, Michèle Studer
Oxytocin Controls Chondrogenesis and Correlates With Osteoarthritis
Christian H Roux, Didier F Pisani, Pierre Gillet, Eric Fontas, Hédi Ben Yahia, Mansour Djedaini, Damien Ambrosetti, Jean-François Michiels, Patricia Panaia-Ferrari, Véronique Breuil, Astrid Pinzano, Ez-Zoubir Amri
Sox8 and Sox9 Act Redundantly for Ovarian-To-Testicular Fate Reprogramming in the Absence of R-spondin1 in Mouse Sex Reversals
Nainoa Richardson, Isabelle Gillot, Elodie P Gregoire, Sameh A Youssef, Dirk de Rooij, Alain de Bruin, Marie-Cécile De Cian, Marie-Christine Chaboissier
Retinoic Acid Synthesis by ALDH1A Proteins Is Dispensable for Meiosis Initiation in the Mouse Fetal Ovary
Anne-Amandine Chassot, Morgane Le Rolle, Geneviève Jolivet, Isabelle Stevant, Jean-Marie Guigonis, Fabio Da Silva, Serge Nef, Eric Pailhoux, Andreas Schedl, Norbert B Ghyselinck, Marie-Christine Chaboissier
Context-dependent regulation of endothelial cell metabolism: differential effects of the PPARβ/δ agonist GW0742 and VEGF-A
Ashton Faulkner, Eleanor Lynam, Robert Purcell, Coleen Jones, Colleen Lopez, Mary Board, Kay-Dietrich Wagner, Nicole Wagner, Carolyn Carr, Caroline Wheeler-Jones
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the neuroendocrine stress axis.
Steenblock C, Todorov V, Kanczkowski W, Eisenhofer G, Schedl A, Wong ML, Licinio J, Bauer M, Young AH, Gainetdinov RR, Bornstein SR
Single-cell RNA-seq with spike-in cells enables accurate quantification of cell-specific drug effects in pancreatic islets
Brenda Marquina-Sanchez, Nikolaus Fortelny, Matthias Farlik, Andhira Vieira, Patrick Collombat, Christoph Bock, Stefan Kubicek
PPAR Beta/Delta and the Hallmarks of Cancer
Nicole Wagner, Kay-Dietrich Wagner
ERK-mediated Loss of miR-199a-3p and Induction of EGR1 Act as a "Toggle Switch" of GBM Cell Dedifferentiation Into NANOG- And OCT4-positive Cells
Fabien Almairac, Laurent Turchi, Nathalie Sakakini, David N Debruyne, Sarah Elkeurti, Elisabet Gjernes, Beatrice Polo, Laurence Bianchini, Denys Fontaine, Philippe Paquis, Herve Chneiweiss, Marie-Pierre Junier, Patrick Verrando, Fanny Burel-Vandenbos, Thierry Virolle
R-spondin signalling is essential for the maintenance and differentiation of mouse nephron progenitors
Vidal VP, Jian-Motamedi F, Rekima S, Gregoire EP, Szenker-Ravi E, Leushacke M, Reversade B, Chaboissier MC, Schedl A
Shaping Up the Tumor Microenvironment With Cellular Fibronectin
Georgios Efthymiou, Angélique Saint, Michaël Ruff, Zeinab Rekad, Delphine Ciais, Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling
Mouse Gonad Development in the Absence of the Pro-Ovary Factor WNT4 and the Pro-Testis Factor SOX9
Furong Tang, Nainoa Richardson, Audrey Albina, Marie-Christine Chaboissier, Aitana Perea-Gomez
R-spondin2 signaling is required for oocyte-driven intercellular communication and follicular growth
De Cian MC, Gregoire EP, Le Rolle M, Lachambre S, Mondin M, Bell S, Guigon CJ, Chassot AA, Chaboissier MC
The Drosophila Actin Nucleator DAAM Is Essential for Left-Right Asymmetry
Anil Chougule, François Lapraz, István Földi, Delphine Cerezo, József Mihály, Stéphane Noselli
A Cdc42-mediated Supracellular Network Drives Polarized Forces and Drosophila Egg Chamber Extension
Anna Popkova, Orrin J Stone, Lin Chen, Xiang Qin, Chang Liu, Jiaying Liu, Karine Belguise, Denise J Montell, Klaus M Hahn, Matteo Rauzi, Xiaobo Wang
Downregulation of thioredoxin-1-dependent CD95 S-nitrosation by Sorafenib reduces liver cancer
Raúl González, María A Rodríguez-Hernández, María Negrete, Kalina Ranguelova, Aurelie Rossin, Carmen Choya-Foces, Patricia de la Cruz-Ojeda, Antonio Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio Martínez-Ruiz, Sergio Rius-Pérez, Juan Sastre, José A Bárcena, Anne-Odile Hueber, C Alicia Padilla, Jordi Muntané
Hedgehog Signaling Modulates Glial Proteostasis and Lifespan
Andrew Rallis, Juan A. Navarro, Mathias Rass, Amelie Hu, Serge Birman, Stephan Schneuwly and Pascal P. Therond
Growth and Maturation in Development: A Fly's Perspective
Renald Delanoue, Nuria M Romero
Cardiac Glycosides as Senolytic Compounds
Nadine Martin, Olivier Soriani, David Bernard
Cancer Stem Cells in Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma
Laura D Scriba, Stefan R Bornstein, Alice Santambrogio, Gregor Mueller, Angela Huebner, Julia Hauer, Andreas Schedl, Ben Wielockx, Graeme Eisenhofer, Cynthia L Andoniadou, Charlotte Steenblock
Fatty Acid Metabolite Profiling Reveals Oxylipins as Markers of Brown but Not Brite Adipose Tissue
Sebastian Dieckmann, Stefanie Maurer, Tobias Fromme, Cécilia Colson, Kirsi A Virtanen, Ez-Zoubir Amri, Martin Klingenspor
Cell and Tissue Manipulation With Ultrashort Infrared Laser Pulses in Light-Sheet Microscopy
Gustavo de Medeiros, Dimitri Kromm, Balint Balazs, Nils Norlin, Stefan Günther, Emiliano Izquierdo, Paolo Ronchi, Shinya Komoto, Uros Krzic, Yannick Schwab, Francesca Peri, Stefano de Renzis, Maria Leptin, Matteo Rauzi, Lars Hufnagel
Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: A Relevant Model to Identify Pathways Governing Thermogenic Adipocyte Generation
Xi Yao, Vincent Dani, Christian Dani
In vitro characterization of a novel magnetic fibrin-agarose hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering
Ana Belén Bonhome-Espinosa, Fernando Campos, Daniel Durand-Herrera, José Darío Sánchez-López, Sébastien Schaub, Juan D.G. Durán, Modesto T. Lopez-Lopez, Víctor Carriel
Duplex Kidney Formation: Developmental Mechanisms and Genetic Predisposition
Vladimir M Kozlov, Andreas Schedl
External Signal-Mediated Polarized Growth in Fungi
Martine Bassilana, Charles Puerner, Robert A Arkowitz
Control of Muscle Fibro-Adipogenic Progenitors by Myogenic Lineage is Altered in Aging and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Moratal C, Arrighi N, Dechesne CA, Dani C
Local Translation in Axons: When Membraneless RNP Granules Meet Membrane-Bound Organelles
Pushpalatha KV, Besse F
Maternal factors regulating symmetry breaking and dorsal-ventral axis formation in the sea urchin embryo
Maria Dolores Molina, Thierry Lepage
The Sigma-1 Receptor: When Adaptive Regulation of Cell Electrical Activity Contributes to Stimulant Addiction and Cancer
Olivier Soriani and Saïd Kourrich
Coopted temporal patterning governs cellular hierarchy, heterogeneity and metabolism in Drosophila neuroblast tumors
Genovese S, Clément R, Gaultier C, Besse F, Narbonne-Reveau K, Daian F, Foppolo S, Luis NM, Maurange C
Selection and gene flow shape niche-associated variation in pheromone response
Lee D, Zdraljevic S, Cook DE, Frézal L, Hsu JC, Sterken MG, Riksen JAG, Wang J, Kammenga JE, Braendle C, Félix MA, Schroeder FC, Andersen EC
Transcription-based circadian mechanism controls the duration of molecular clock states in response to signaling inputs
Almeida S, Chaves M, Delaunay F
A cell fitness selection model for neuronal survival during development.
Wang Y, Wu H, Fontanet P, Codeluppi S, Akkuratova N, Petitpré C, Xue-Franzén Y, Niederreither K, Sharma A, Da Silva F, Comai G, Agirman G, Palumberi D, Linnarsson S, Adameyko I, Moqrich A, Schedl A, La Manno G, Hadjab S, Lallemend F.
Secretory Vesicle Clustering in Fungal Filamentous Cells Does Not Require Directional Growth
Silva PM, Puerner C, Seminara A, Bassilana M, Arkowitz RA
Sex Differences in Intestinal Carbohydrate Metabolism Promote Food Intake and Sperm Maturation
Bruno Hudry, Eva de Goeij, Alessandro Mineo, Pedro Gaspar, Dafni Hadjieconomou, Chris Studd, Joao B. Mokochinski, Holger B. Kramer, Pierre-Yves Plaçais, Thomas Preat, Irene Miguel-Aliaga
Natural Variation and Genetic Determinants of Caenorhabditis elegans Sperm Size
Gimond C, Vielle A, Silva-Soares N, Zdraljevic S, McGrath PT, Andersen EC, Braendle C
Mouse Nr2f1 haploinsufficiency unveils new pathological mechanisms of a human optic atrophy syndrome
Bertacchi M, Gruart A, Kaimakis P, Allet C, Serra L, Giacobini P, Delgado-García JM, Bovolenta P, Studer M
Detecting and quantifying stress granules in tissues of multicellular organisms with the Obj.MPP analysis tool
De Graeve F, Debreuve E, Rahmoun S, Ecsedi S, Bahri A, Hubstenberger A, Descombes X, Besse F
Notch-mediated inhibition of neurogenesis is required for zebrafish spinal cord morphogenesis
Sharma P, Saraswathy VM, Xiang L, Fürthauer M
[Two-pore-domain potassium channels and molecular mechanisms underlying migraine].
Royal P, Ávalos Prado P, Wdziekonski B, Sandoz G
Functional Analysis of ESCRT-Positive Extracellular Vesicles in the Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc.
Matusek T, Thérond P, Fürthauer M
Sperm RNA code programmes the metabolic health of offspring
Zhang Y, Shi J, Rassoulzadegan M, Tuorto F, Chen Q
Neuronal RNP granules: dynamic sensors of localized signals
Formicola N, Vijayakumar J, Besse F
The prion-like domain of Drosophila Imp promotes axonal transport of RNP granules in vivo
Vijayakumar J, Perrois C, Heim M, Bousset L, Alberti S, Besse F
Mathematical modelling reveals unexpected inheritance and variability patterns of cell cycle parameters in mammalian cells
Mura M, Feillet C, Bertolusso R, Delaunay F, Kimmel M
Developmental fidelity is imposed by genetically separable RalGEF activities that mediate opposing signals.
Shin H, Braendle C, Monahan KB, Kaplan REW, Zand TP, Mote FS, Peters EC, Reiner DJ
TRAIL and FasL Functions in Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases: Towards an Increasing Complexity
Rossin A, Miloro G, Hueber AO
The Adult Adrenal Cortex Undergoes Rapid Tissue Renewal in a Sex-Specific Manner
Grabek A, Dolfi B, Klein B, Jian-Motamedi F, Chaboissier MC, Schedl A
Sox2 Acts in Thalamic Neurons to Control the Development of Retina-Thalamus-Cortex Connectivity
Sox2 Acts in Thalamic Neurons to Control the Development of Retina-Thalamus-Cortex Connectivity. iScience. 2019 May 31;15:257-273. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.04.030. Epub 2019 Apr 26. Mercurio S1, Serra L2, Motta A1, Gesuita L1, Sanchez-Arrones L3, Inverardi F4, Foglio B4, Barone C1, Kaimakis P3, Martynoga B5, Ottolenghi S1, Studer M6, Guillemot F5, Frassoni C4, Bovolenta P3, Nicolis SK7. Author
Enhanced β-adrenergic signalling underlies an age-dependent beneficial metabolic effect of PI3K p110α inactivation in adipose tissue
Araiz C, Yan A, Bettedi L, Samuelson I, Virtue S, McGavigan AK, Dani C, Vidal-Puig A, Foukas LC
Comparative genomics of 10 new Caenorhabditis species
Stevens L, Félix MA, Beltran T, Braendle C, Caurcel C, Fausett S, Fitch D, Frézal L, Gosse C, Kaur T, Kiontke K, Newton MD, Noble LM, Richaud A, Rockman MV, Sudhaus W, Blaxter M
Dissecting Cell Lineage Specification and Sex Fate Determination in Gonadal Somatic Cells Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics
Stévant I, Kühne F, Greenfield A, Chaboissier MC, Dermitzakis ET, Nef S
AstA Signaling Functions as an Evolutionary Conserved Mechanism Timing Juvenile to Adult Transition
Deveci D, Martin FA, Leopold P, Romero NM
Nanometric axial resolution of fibronectin assembly units achieved with an efficient reconstruction approach for multi-angle-TIRF microscopy
Soubies E, Radwanska A, Grall D, Blanc-Féraud L, Van Obberghen-Schilling E, Schaub S
The OncoAge Consortium: Linking Aging and Oncology from Bench to Bedside and Back Again.
Hofman P, Ayache N, Barbry P, Barlaud M, Bel A, Blancou P, Checler F, Chevillard S, Cristofari G, Demory M, Esnault V, Falandry C, Gilson E, Guérin O, Glaichenhaus N, Guigay J, Ilié M, Mari B, Marquette CH, Paquis-Flucklinger V, Prate F, Saintigny P, Seitz-Polsky B, Skhiri T, Van Obberghen-Schilling E, Van Obberghen E, Yvan-Charvet L
Developmental Requirement of Homeoprotein Otx2 for Specific Habenulo-Interpeduncular Subcircuits
Ruiz-Reig N, Rakotobe M, Bethus I, Le Menn G, Huditz HI, Marie H, Lamonerie T, D'Autréaux F
Extracellular adenosine promotes cell migration/invasion of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells through A3 Adenosine Receptor activation under hypoxia
Torres Á, Erices JI, Sanchez F, Ehrenfeld P, Turchi L, Virolle T, Uribe D, Niechi I, Spichiger C, Rocha JD, Ramirez M, Salazar-Onfray F, San Martín R, Quezada C
Hyperactive and anxiolytic-like behaviors result from loss of COUP-TFI/Nr2f1 in the mouse cortex.
Contesse T, Ayrault M, Mantegazza M, Studer M, Deschaux O
Control of basal autophagy rate by vacuolar peduncle
Bourouis M, Mondin M, Dussert A, Leopold P
An EGF-Responsive Neural Circuit Couples Insulin Secretion with Nutrition in Drosophila
Meschi E, Léopold P, Delanoue R
IL-1β- and IL-4-polarized macrophages have opposite effects on adipogenesis of intramuscular fibro-adipogenic progenitors in humans
Moratal C, Raffort J, Arrighi N, Rekima S, Schaub S, Dechesne CA, Chinetti G, Dani C
The translational regulator FMRP controls lipid and glucose metabolism in mice and humans
Leboucher A, Pisani DF, Martinez-Gili L, Chilloux J, Bermudez-Martin P, Van Dijck A, Ganief T, Macek B, Becker JAJ, Le Merrer J, Kooy RF, Amri EZ, Khandjian EW, Dumas ME, Davidovic L
Migraine-Associated TRESK Mutations Increase Neuronal Excitability through Alternative Translation Initiation and Inhibition of TREK
Royal P, Andres-Bilbe A, Ávalos Prado P, Verkest C, Wdziekonski B, Schaub S, Baron A, Lesage F, Gasull X, Levitz J, Sandoz G
A stochastic framework to model axon interactions within growing neuronal populations
Razetti A, Medioni C, Malandain G, Besse F, Descombes X
On-site secretory vesicle delivery drives filamentous growth in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans
Allon Weiner, François Orange, Sandra Lacas‐Gervais, Katya Rechav, Vikram Ghugtyal, Martine Bassilana & Robert A. Arkowitz
Expression of exogenous mRNAs to study gene function in echinoderm embryos
Molina MD, Gache C, Lepage T
Molecular to organismal chirality is induced by the conserved myosin 1D
G. Lebreton, C. Géminard, F. Lapraz, S. Pyrpassopoulos, D. Cerezo, P. Spéder, E. M. Ostap, S. Noselli,¶
Maternal eating behavior is a major synchronizer of fetal and postnatal peripheral clocks in mice
Canaple L, Gréchez-Cassiau A, Delaunay F, Dkhissi-Benyahya O, Samarut J
MAPK and GSK3/ß-TRCP-mediated degradation of the maternal Ets domain transcriptional repressor Yan/Tel controls the spatial expression of nodal in the sea urchin embryo
Molina MD, Quirin M, Haillot E, De Crozé N, Range R, Rouel M, Jimenez F, Amrouche R, Chessel A, Lepage T
Role of ghrelin in pancreatic development and function
Napolitano T, Silvano S, Vieira A, Balaji S, Garrido-Utrilla A, Friano ME, Atlija J, Collombat P
Cell polarity and adherens junction formation inhibit epithelial Fas cell death receptor signaling
Gagnoux-Palacios L, Awina H, Audebert S, Rossin A, Mondin M, Borgese F, Planas-Botey C, Mettouchi A, Borg JP, Hueber AO
The microRNA miR-21 Is a Mediator of FGF8 Action on Cortical COUP-TFI Translation
Terrigno M, Bertacchi M, Pandolfini L, Baumgart M, Calvello M, Cellerino A, Studer M, Cremisi F
Neurog3 misexpression unravels mouse pancreatic ductal cell plasticity
Vieira A, Vergoni B, Courtney M, Druelle N, Gjernes E, Hadzic B, Avolio F, Napolitano T, Navarro Sanz S, Mansouri A, Collombat P
Physiological Starvation Promotes Caenorhabditis elegans Vulval Induction
Grimbert S, Vargas Velazquez AM, Braendle C
Natural Genetic Variation in a Multigenerational Phenotype in C. elegans
Frézal L, Demoinet E, Braendle C, Miska E, Félix MA
The tyrosine phosphorylated pro-survival form of Fas intensifies the EGF-induced signal in colorectal cancer cells through the nuclear EGFR/STAT3-mediated pathway
Ta NL, Chakrabandhu K, Huault S, Hueber AO
Adipose progenitors, myofibroblasts and fibrosis: is it all in the cilium?
Arrighi N, Dani C, Peraldi P
Myocardial-specific R-spondin3 drives proliferation of the coronary stems primarily through the Leucine Rich Repeat G Protein coupled receptor LGR4
Da Silva F, Massa F, Motamedi FJ, Vidal V, Rocha AS, Gregoire EP, Cai CL, Wagner KD, Schedl A
NRG1 signalling regulates the establishment of Sertoli cell stock in the mouse testis
Gregoire EP, Stevant I, Chassot AA, Martin L, Lachambre S, Mondin M, de Rooij DG, Nef S, Chaboissier MC
Neuron-Astroglia Cell Fate Decision in the Adult Mouse Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche Is Cell-Intrinsically Controlled by COUP-TFI In Vivo
Bonzano S, Crisci I, Podlesny-Drabiniok A, Rolando C, Krezel W, Studer M, De Marchis S
The Drosophila insulin pathway controls Profilin expression and dynamic actin-rich protrusions during collective cell migration
Ghiglione C, Jouandin P, Cérézo D, Noselli S
Neuronal RNP granules: from physiological to pathological assemblies
De Graeve F, Besse F
A Global Analysis of Kinase Function in Candida albicans Hyphal Morphogenesis Reveals a Role for the Endocytosis Regulator Akl1
Bar-Yosef H, Gildor T, Ramírez-Zavala B, Schmauch C, Weissman Z, Pinsky M, Naddaf R, Morschhäuser J, Arkowitz RA, Kornitzer D
Sox11 gene disruption causes congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT)
Neirijnck Y, Reginensi A, Renkema KY, Massa F, Kozlov VM, Dhib H, Bongers EMHF, Feitz WF, van Eerde AM, Lefebvre V, Knoers NVAM, Tabatabaei M, Schulz H, McNeill H, Schaefer F, Wegner M, Sock E, Schedl A
Myosin1D is an evolutionarily conserved regulator animal left-right asymmetry
Juan T, Géminard C, Coutelis JB, Cerezo D, Polès S, Noselli S, Fürthauer M
TrawlerWeb: an online de novo motif discovery tool for next-generation sequencing datasets
Dang LT, Tondl M, Chiu MHH, Revote J, Paten B, Tano V, Tokolyi A, Besse F, Quaife-Ryan G, Cumming H, Drvodelic MJ, Eichenlaub MP, Hallab JC, Stolper JS, Rossello FJ, Bogoyevitch MA, Jans DA, Nim HT, Porrello ER, Hudson JE, Ramialison M