Guillaume Sandoz receives prestigious grant from the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation 27/06/2024 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Guillaume Sandoz's team highlighted in Nice Matin for its recent advances in optogenetics! 22/01/2024 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Hijacking of internal calcium dynamics by intracellularly residing viral rhodopsins 09/01/2024 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
A photoswitchable inhibitor of TREK channels controls pain in wild-type intact freely moving animals 03/03/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Regulation of two-pore-domain potassium TREK channels and their involvement in pain perception and migraine 31/01/2022 by marie-pierre
Photopharmacological approaches for dissecting potassium channel physiolog 19/01/2022 by marie-pierre