A live-cell ergosterol reporter for visualization of the effects of fluconazole on the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans 22/12/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Pascal THÉROND récipiendaire du prix Eloi COLLERY 2023 de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine 19/12/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Congratulations to Yasmine Neirijnck and Agnes Banreti for their INSERM permanent positions! 09/12/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
A spatial statistical framework for the parametric study of fiber networks: application to fibronectin deposition by normal and activated fibroblasts 21/11/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Nicolas ROBY and Emily PLUMB, actors of the revival of the iBV PhD student community 17/11/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Brain and retinal organoids workshop : applications and challenges with Paolo Piovani 08/11/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
The −KTS splice variant of WT1 is essential for ovarian determination in mice 02/11/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
CRISPR constructs for in vivo gene editing workshop with Mathilde Solyga 30/10/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
MECABIONIC Symposium - Mechanobiology across scales: from the molecule to the organism and back 26/10/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA
Exploring biotech & pharma opportunities during your PhD with Niels Fjerdingstad 25/10/2023 by Jean-Claude SCIMECA