KLF10 integrates circadian timing and sugar signaling to coordinate hepatic metabolism 17/08/2021 by caroline
Model learning to identify systemic regulators of the peripheral circadian clock 12/07/2021 by caroline
A detailed map of coupled circadian clock and cell cycle with qualitative dynamics validation 11/05/2021 by caroline
MCD diet-induced steatohepatitis generates a diurnal rhythm of associated biomarkers and worsens liver injury in Klf10 deficient mice 22/07/2020 by caroline
Transcription-based circadian mechanism controls the duration of molecular clock states in response to signaling inputs 17/09/2019 by caroline
Mathematical modelling reveals unexpected inheritance and variability patterns of cell cycle parameters in mammalian cells 03/06/2019 by caroline
Maternal eating behavior is a major synchronizer of fetal and postnatal peripheral clocks in mice 08/10/2018 by caroline