Research Teams AMRI ZoubirCellular and molecular regulation of fat massARKOWITZ RobertPolarized growth in yeastBANRETI AgnèsCHIRALIFE: Homochirality Regulation and the Role of Heterochirality in Aging and DiseaseBESSE FlorencePost-transcriptional control of neuronal plasticityBRAENDLE ChristianGene-environment interactions in development and evolutionCHABOISSIER Marie-ChristineSex determination and fertilityCOLLOMBAT PatrickDiabetes GeneticsDELAUNAY FranckChronobiologyDESCOMBES XavierMorphology and Image (MORPHEME)FÜRTHAUER MaximilianMembrane trafficking and developmental signalling in animal developmentGAUCI Marc-OlivierIntelligence in Computational and Augmented surgery, Reuse of healthcare data, multiparametric Evaluation (ICARE)GOGL GergoQuantitative Interactomics and Disease-Related NetworksHUBSTENBERGER ArnaudEpitranscriptomicsHUDRY BrunoCellular sex and physiologyHUEBER Anne-OdileDeath receptors signalling and cancer therapyHUMBERT OlivierPET/CT imaging and Artificial Intelligence for precision OncologyLEPAGE ThierryGene regulatory networks, axis specification and morphogenesis of the sea urchin embryoNOSELLI StéphaneEpithelial Morphogenesis and left-right asymmetry in DrosophilaRAUZI MatteoMorphogenesis and mechanics of epithelial tissuesROSELLO-DIEZ AlbertoAdaptive Regulation of Organ Size (AROS)SANDOZ GuillaumeBiology of ion channelsSCHEDL AndreasMolecular programs controlling development and tissue homeostasisSCIMECA Jean-ClaudeBio engineering and osteo-articular physiopathologySORIANI OlivierRegulation of ion channels in cancerSTUDER MichèlePhysiological and pathological mechanisms of neural developmentTHEROND PascalSignal transduction and control of morphogenesis in DrosophilaVIROLLE ThierryCancer Stem Cell Plasticity and Functional Intra-tumor HeterogeneityWAGNER KayVessel formation in development and disease