These cheerful moments, organized by volunteers from the valley, were all the more appreciated as single-track trails were sometimes brutal, starting with a strenuous climb to the well-named tower of the Cruella above the village, later followed by a 500-m elevation gain on 2 km only, through a dark forest. It took strength and courage to all 7 hikers (Marika, Anna, Malala, Alex, Andres, Akif and Zhou) and 4 runners (Marie-Cécile, Nathalie, Clotilde and Olivier), but, rewarded by the beautiful views from the mountain top, they made it happily back to the village, proud of what they had accomplished together.
This Sunday, life was simple: wild landscapes, hospitality of the locals, colleagues made true companions for a race day and joy taken from the effort.
What more to expect? A podium and prize for Nath, 3rd in her category!