Registration is open for The “Biological Image Processing and Analysis (BioIAS)” symposium organized with support from the UCAJEDI Academies of Excellence 1 & 43IA Côte d’AzurInserm LabEx SignaLife

This one-day symposium will be held on June 14th in the Salle des Actes of the Grand Chateau of the Valrose campus.

The preprogram overview and abstracts of the presentations can be found at the following site :

Meeting attendance is free of charge, but registration is mandatory (here) and open to members of the Côte d’Azur bio/pathobiology and applied math & computational research communities (limited to 60 participants in the Salle des Actes).

We invite you to distribute the meeting announcement (poster attached) as widely as possible among your colleagues.

Hope to see you there!